Why has Buffalo Hill Funeral Home and Crematory become the Valley's most trusted funeral service provider, and why do more families choose Buffalo Hill Funeral Home than any other funeral home in the Flathead Valley? Because when we opened Buffalo Hill Funeral Home almost 50 years ago, we did so with the belief that affordability, professionalism, compassion, honesty, integrity, and dignity was what families we serve wanted.
Our commitment to families with this belief is our foundation on which this funeral home was built. Because this is our foundation; this belief is still strong today. Honoring the lives of those you cherish is something we take very seriously. Our staff is honored to bring such a vital service to this community, abiding by an uncompromising dedication to serving our families with the most reasonably priced funeral and cremation options in the Flathead Valley.
We are here to assist you if anything should happen, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, and if for any reason you cannot come to our funeral home, we will be glad to come to your home. We are the Flathead Valley's oldest independent locally owned family funeral home.
We offer life-centered services that celebrate the things that are most important love, relationships, community, and shared memories. Today, a funeral or celebration of life service can be as unique as the individual who is being honored. From simple touches like displaying personal photographs, to creating events around a favorite pastime, funerals and celebration of life serves can reflect any aspect of a person’s life and personality.
We will help you plan a meaningful gathering that will meet the needs of your family. We understand that the ways in which people treat the loss of a loved one may impact their lives for quite some time to come. With that understanding comes great compassion and a desire to truly be of service as you gather to love, to share, to remember, and to experience the support of your friends and family.
We understand you have many concerns and needs after a death occurs, from concerns about filing the necessary paperwork, including Death Certificates, obituaries, insurance claim forms and numerous other forms. We can assist you in these and many other decisions that you will need to make in the days, and even weeks to come. Our primary focus in the days immediately following the loss of a loved one is to aid your family in taking the needed time, and providing the means to remember this important person you have lost and reflect on your memories and the memories of others your loved one came in contact with.